Weingart Utility Plier

Weingart Utility Orthodontic PlierWeingart Utility Orthodontic PlierWeingart Utility Orthodontic Plier

Price: $150

In Stock  |  SKU: 805-501

Product Info

Product Description

The Denovo Weingart Utility Orthodontic Plier is a multi-purpose serrated grasping plier with tapered beak allowing for easy access. Solid cast with series 400 Stainless Steel. Fully sterilizable by autoclave or other steam based methods. Can withstand multiple autoclave cycles with no degradation. ISO and CE Certified.


Instrument Care:

Immediately after Use: Flush fluids and debris from the instrument surfaces before it dries. Use water temperature from 104°-140° F (40°-60° C). Inspect the instrument hinge and tips for breakage or other damage.

Sterilize: Recommended sterilization processes are by Autoclave, other steam sterilization or ETO. Keep temperatures below 270° F (132° C). Dry Heat, chemiclave and cold sterilization can be used, but are not recommended.

Dry: Dry instruments thoroughly to prevent corrosion. The inner parts of the hinges will require more time to dry.

More detailed information on sterilization can be found here.



Task forged with surgical grade stainless steel in Japan, so no rust or degradation of the steel through repeated sterilizations. Based on original Unitek designs to support the Chairside Space Maintainer System. To insure quality, we inspect each instrument before it ships. Finally our “hassle-free” return policy gives you peace of mind.

Tags: Weingart Utility Orthodontic Plier. Dental Instrument. Orthodontic Dental instrument. Additionally. Furthermore. Another. Additionally. Furthermore. Another.
Ask a Question
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    Question: Sterilization says below 270 degrees, it that what we set our sterilization temp at? I believe our sterilizer temps are a set at 270 degrees and it will get up to 273 degrees during sterilization. The IFUs are pretty vague, not sure what temp we need to set it at as it says to keep temps below 270. Also, Washing of the instrument, can it be automatic washed, or is it a manual wash?


    This and most Denovo steel Instruments can be sterilizes at temps up to 290°. This instrument can be both auto-washed or manual washed, however we recommend an auto-wash cycle.

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    This Utility Plier is an exceptional tool with impeccable precision and durability, making it an essential asset for any orthodontic practice.