Band Remover Replacement Inserts (delrin)

Delrin replacement inserts

Price: $22

In Stock  |  SKU: 800-704

Product Info

Product Description

Replaceable delrin inserts for the Long-beaked Posterior Band Remover (Part #800-204). 3 Inserts per box.

Ask a Question
  • Question: I have a couple of "Denovo 97" posterior band removers with missing inserts.Will the Delrin insert fit (800-704)?

    Answer: The Delrin inserts will only work with the Long-beaked Posterior Band Remover (Part #800-204). There are Aluminum Inserts here that can be ordered which will fit the regular Posterior Band Remover (Part # 800-202).

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    Question: We have band remover #12-18. Will these inserts fit?

    Answer: That number refers to the date of production of that instrument. The Delrin inserts fit on the longer beak version of our band removers (that extends and touches the tip). The aluminum inserts will fit onto the short beak version (where the beak ends short of the tip. As long as your Denovo band remover has the longer neck, these are the correct inserts for them.

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